Friday 16 August 2013

Current Issues On Vandalism

                                          City Hall : Vandalism main cause of faulty lift.(19 july 2013)                 
Kuala Lumpur, City Hall will spend RM31.5million to replace 90 old lifts at public flats in the city.Vandalism is one of the common causes of lift breakdowns as Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talib.Moreover,250 enforcement staff assign to stay at the 86 people's housing Project(PPR) and public housing flats so that they could repair the 523 elevators.The staff would ensure the lift are not misused or vandalised.There is one bad incident happened on wednesday which is the death of Year 5 pupil khairul Amir Azri Lani after his neck was stuck between the elevator ceiling and the floor of the third level of block 8 of the Desa Tun Razak flats where his grandmother was stayed.Iskandar Abdul Samad,housing,building management and urban settlers commitee chairman also pointed one of the statement that the problem of vandalism has to be stop as there no use in repairing the lift has can damage again.Tenants can face eviction if caught vandalising the property.


                                                        Marischal college vandalism

In Scotland,The front Aberdeen City Council's historic Marischal college headquarters is vandalised with graffiti in June which take place in scotland.The graffiti on the granite reads"Ye have not yet done as ye ought".Ms boulton as deputy council leader has mentioned this vandal not only damaged this college but make government burdened with cost the public purse thousands of pounds to pay for the clean-up costs because this building made with granite.The scouring technique is to be found and is aimed at gradually eating the paint with no adverse effect on the building itself.
Christian Weir,23 was charged with malicious mischief when he appeared at the city's sheriff court last month in connection with incident,he made no plea and was bailed.                     

Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Steps To Stop The Vandalisme

         Parents should play an important roles in their children life such as teaching moral values and spiritual education to children since from childhood stage.Parents must lead and educate their children to appreciate and use public property in good way,not only at their neighbourhood are but also in another places.Parents need to see their children daily activities and their peers are well behaviour are not.
         Society should very concern whenever there is vandalisme happen in their neighbourhood area like report to rukun tetangga communities or to police.Creating awareness will keep the community alert for suspicious person and activities.Exchange contact information with neighbours so that easy to info everyone in the event any vandalism is witnessed. Moreover,society should have meeting with parent teenagers who commited in this crime.So this will effect the parents to more concern about their children behaviour.
         Government should held awareness campaign and spread the news through television and radio to stop it.Government should arrange more punishment such as who commited in this vandalisme,extend the prison years and force  them to do social works.So young generation will more aware about the government law before their step it into this crime.

My friend

My name is Tatchayeni a/p gnanapragasam.Im 20 years old.My hometown is kedah.Im taking bachelor of education(guidance&counseling).Im choose unitar for my further studies because it recognized by MQA and we have good opportunity for job.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Survey On About Vandalisme From People Perspectives.

What is your opinion about vandalism?
In my opinion,vandalism means damaging the public property.Teenager is common group to involve in this vandalism.

Graffiti is a Art or form of vandalism?why?
Graffiti is a form of vandalism because it is applied on public property without any permission from government or owner of the place.

How does vandalism effect society?
Vandalism can ruin up government economy and  people's property.

How does vandalism effect government?
Government have to spend milion of money to fix break the public property.

What are the main cause of vandalism is happened? reason?
Peer influence-tend to follow friends steps,enjoynment.

State one of the solution to prevent the vandalism?So that teenagers will aware not involve in this crime.
Create a campaign regarding vandalism,especially graffiti art to youngster.Young generation can change this crime.
                                                         Graffiti Is a Form Of Vandalisme

Saturday 13 July 2013

Personality of thailand


               The ancient kingdom of thailand is sometimes called the rice granary of Southeast Asia.Thailand is one of the world's leading exporters of rice,a basic food for much of Asia.Known for hundreds of years as siam,the country changed its name in the 1900's to thailand,meaning"Land of the Free"the name is appropriate,for thailand is the only nation of southeast asia never to have been a European colony.

                                                       PERSONALITY AND INDENTITY

                Thai people are generally shy,curious and do not like to show their feeling.Thai are known to wear a permanent smile on their face.There are some aspects of the thai personality that are sure to catch any foreigner off-guard.They generally avoid personal conflict and people pleasers.Thai people are very open minded when discussing a person's physical characteristics.

                 The people of thailand are fairly homogenous and their primary means of identifying is as thai, the ethnic thai identity is defined by the goverment and royal family, thai language.buddhism and food which is quite distinct and a source of pride in thailand.There are also considerable numbers of people of chinese and malay ancestry,as well as cambodians and vietnamese.Most of the cambodians came as refugees from civil strife in their country.

                                                          RELIGION AND LANGUAGE

             Most thai are buddhists in religion.Numerous statues of the buddha,many covered with gold, are found in the country's numerous wats,which are both buddhist temples and monasteries.It is customary for buddhist men to enter a monastery for a short period of time to study the principles of their faith.Religion in Thailand pervades many aspects of Thai life and senior monks it is not uncommon to see their images adorning walls of businesses or homes or upon ornaments inside of taxi cabs. In many towns and villages the neighborhood wat (temple) is the heart of social and religious life. Buddhist holidays occur regularly throughout the year (particularly on days with full moons) and many Thai people go to the wat on these and other important days to pay homage to the Buddha and give alms to monks in order to make merit for themselves
        Other religion such as Islam,Christianity,Hindusm,Sikh,Confucianism,Taoism,Shintotoism and Animism.there have never been any restrictions upon religion matters.The national language of the country is thai.Most people speak the krung thep(sometimes called the bangkok)dialect.It comprised 44 consonants,32 vowels and five tones in thai pronunciation.Other language spoken in thailand are chinese,Lao,Malay and Mor-Khmer,while english use is becoming more prevalent in government,commerce and in secondary school and universities.
                                                                     THE WAY OF LIFE

            The wai means is the common form of greeting and adheres to strict rules of protocol.It is also means of showing farewell and acknowledgement which is symbol of refinement in thai culture.Raising both hand,palms joined with the fingers pointing upwards as if in prayer,lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and forehead is the standard form.Salutation involve a prayer- like gesture with the hand and slight bow of the head.Thai people displaying positive emotions in social interactions.Respect and courtesy also means to wai which is can demonsrated by the height at which hand and how low the head come down to meet the thumbs of both hand.Thai monks people are forbidden physical contact with women.


Friday 12 July 2013

Personality of Russia



                        Russia known as russian federation in the world's largest country.Extending over two continents which is Europe and Asia,it stretches from the gulf of finland(part of the baltic sea) in the west to the bering strait(separation the Arctic and Pacific oceans) in the east distance of more than 8000 kilometers.In all, it comprises more than one tenth of the world's land surface.

                                                             INDENTITY AND PERSONALITY
                       Russia has a superiority complex, but on most accounts, it's deserved. They're a world power, they hold rocket and nuclear technology with the best in the world, and their music, ballet, and arts are among the finest in history. This however doesn't make up for the fact that Russia isn't anywhere close to where it thinks it is in most realms; the country's technology and standards of living have failed to trickle down to the people, although the elite are living at ridiculously high standards.
                    Throughout history, russia has expanded east without friction and, although having occasional setbacks, has maintained their empire in the west. They have treated their minorities and neighboring people like dirt, bestowing the name "edge people" on the ukrainians, suppressing dozens of ethnic minorities, and threatening foreign powers with nukes when questioned about domestic policy. This however, is only symbolic of the government.Russia have been trained to listen to authorities without question, never speak out, and have been taught that all will work out in the end.

                     Russian identify in multiple different ways, but most see themselves as Russian. Religion was suppressed under the Soviets and, although experiencing a religious revival, isn't strongly identified with. Many young people see themselves as the future of Russia, hence identifying by their generation and understanding the vast differences from one age to the next, but not quite sure what it means to be the future of this long-standing empire.

                                                         RELIGION AND LANGUAGE     
            Dominant religion is a russian orthodox.During the soviet era,the russian orthodox church and all other forms of religion were frowned upon.However,with collapse of communism,religions for decades struggled but now government's has official permission to go on orthodox,Jewish and islamic congregation are allowed to worship freely and openly.

             As russia is a officially, the russian federation and world's largest country.Due to that estimated 150m population, it is thought that over 81% speak the official language of russian as their first and only language.Another language are tartar, ukrainian,chuvash bushir and many other language.
                                                              THE WAY OF LIFE
       In russian society,typical greeting is a firm, almost bone-crushing hand-shake while mainting direct eye contact.The handshake is less firm when men and women shake hand.when female friend meet together,they kiss on the cheek three times from left, then alternating.If is male friends they may pat each other on the back and hug.Friendship is important to russian because this is their behaviour in helping their friend  when they in diffcult time.  

Tuesday 9 July 2013

The causes of vandalisme

Firstly, teenager attitude itself.It is because they did not follow and apply moral values in their daily life.They shows feeling hatred and anger towards public property and damage it.They did not realise the problem facing by society and government.Secondly,the parents.Most of the teenagers parents did not secold,advice and take serious action to stop their children negative attitude who destroy their family property because it may bring this attitude along when their at outside.In addition,peers also one of the causes.when teenagers choose wrong peers sure they will fall into negative attitude and action.Social media also effect teenager to do this crime because when television shows negative programmes it will influence teenagers to do so.

Thursday 4 July 2013

The definition of vandalism

Vandalism is the behaviour attributed originally to vandals,by the Romans in respect of culture;ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable object.This behaviour also means criminal damage such as graffiti and defacement directed towards any property without permission of the owner.

Tuesday 2 July 2013


My name is rehwathi a/p 21 years old.Im doing bachelor in childhood ambition is be teacher.I come to university to improve my comunication skills and gain knowledge and experience.