Friday 12 July 2013

Personality of Russia



                        Russia known as russian federation in the world's largest country.Extending over two continents which is Europe and Asia,it stretches from the gulf of finland(part of the baltic sea) in the west to the bering strait(separation the Arctic and Pacific oceans) in the east distance of more than 8000 kilometers.In all, it comprises more than one tenth of the world's land surface.

                                                             INDENTITY AND PERSONALITY
                       Russia has a superiority complex, but on most accounts, it's deserved. They're a world power, they hold rocket and nuclear technology with the best in the world, and their music, ballet, and arts are among the finest in history. This however doesn't make up for the fact that Russia isn't anywhere close to where it thinks it is in most realms; the country's technology and standards of living have failed to trickle down to the people, although the elite are living at ridiculously high standards.
                    Throughout history, russia has expanded east without friction and, although having occasional setbacks, has maintained their empire in the west. They have treated their minorities and neighboring people like dirt, bestowing the name "edge people" on the ukrainians, suppressing dozens of ethnic minorities, and threatening foreign powers with nukes when questioned about domestic policy. This however, is only symbolic of the government.Russia have been trained to listen to authorities without question, never speak out, and have been taught that all will work out in the end.

                     Russian identify in multiple different ways, but most see themselves as Russian. Religion was suppressed under the Soviets and, although experiencing a religious revival, isn't strongly identified with. Many young people see themselves as the future of Russia, hence identifying by their generation and understanding the vast differences from one age to the next, but not quite sure what it means to be the future of this long-standing empire.

                                                         RELIGION AND LANGUAGE     
            Dominant religion is a russian orthodox.During the soviet era,the russian orthodox church and all other forms of religion were frowned upon.However,with collapse of communism,religions for decades struggled but now government's has official permission to go on orthodox,Jewish and islamic congregation are allowed to worship freely and openly.

             As russia is a officially, the russian federation and world's largest country.Due to that estimated 150m population, it is thought that over 81% speak the official language of russian as their first and only language.Another language are tartar, ukrainian,chuvash bushir and many other language.
                                                              THE WAY OF LIFE
       In russian society,typical greeting is a firm, almost bone-crushing hand-shake while mainting direct eye contact.The handshake is less firm when men and women shake hand.when female friend meet together,they kiss on the cheek three times from left, then alternating.If is male friends they may pat each other on the back and hug.Friendship is important to russian because this is their behaviour in helping their friend  when they in diffcult time.  

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